Sunday, February 23, 2020

Five issues in corrections Speech or Presentation

Five issues in corrections - Speech or Presentation Example At this time, inmates with special needs are not even identified, whereas other institutions have a very strict protocol for inmates who have a history of mental illness. When they are sent to a correctional facility, they undergo a very thorough physical and mental examination to evaluate the current condition in order to decide if the inmate requires therapy of some kind or a psychologists’ further evaluation to diagnose a mental illness if necessary, and decide on a line of treatment. The purpose of correctional institutions is to help these wayward individuals to become better individuals, preparing them to be part of society again. But with the way things are being done at this time it would seem highly unlikely that any of these inmates would regain any of their sanity at the rate at which they are going. We need a specific program which, firstly, allows us to identify what kind of mental illness an inmate might have. With each type on illness a set protocol should be in place as to how the inmate should be processed; i.e. one on one therapy, group therapy and drug therapy. And the length of the entire treatment required by each individual. This would, in my mind, be the sort of system which would improve the outcome of these inmates. Second matter for discussion is a very volatile one, of sexual victimization. Last year alone, there have been over a hundred reported cases of incidents among the inmates of a sexual nature. The institution houses over a thousand inmates at any given time, both male and female. Keeping in mind the sort of people we deal with today, most of these sexual incidences occur in correctional facilities. Even though there are very strict written policies against sexual victimization, and inmates are watched very closely, these incidences are very common. First I ask why and how? Why does it happen and how is it possible. In research articles, submitted with regards to such issues, there has been some headway as to the reason ing as to why it happening. It is used to ascertain dominance over one or many persons, ensure their position as the aggressor, or maybe just for the purpose of entertainment. Even the most vigilant correctional facility is not able to control these sexual victimizations. So at the end of the day an inmate who might have either been sentenced or in the pretrial phase (possibly innocent) might have to face such an incident. So again, leading back to the question is this rehabilitation or creation of a possible criminal. And it has also been rumored that most of the time the correctional officers also know about these incidences but most of the time look the other way, as it has become a norm in today’s facilities. So what of the victims in these situations? How are they to deal with such situations? Or are they meant to be scarred for life. Third on the agenda is the overcrowding of the correctional institutions in most states. Understandable that these days there are more cri minals that rehabilitated individuals, and there is a trend criminals being reincarcerated again and again, serving out their sentences, just to go back to their usual routines of being criminals. The major reason for the overcrowding is that the vision with which correctional

Friday, February 7, 2020

Successful life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Successful life - Essay Example At my house, we were four children, my parents and more often than not my grandmother would visit. This meant the house was always crowded and somewhat noisy, for me this was annoying and made me eager for college so that I could move out and go be on my own, in quiet. Nonetheless, this attitude transformed when I began college and within the first year I learnt that Mr Raphaels’ wellbeing had spun for worse. I had to make new friends and adapt to new surroundings, this made me miss the familiarity of home. Mr. Raphaels had been admitted to a rehabilitation centre as he had become an alcoholic. It occurred to me that a successful life is not guaranteed by material things and being alone is quite miserable. In my opinion, a successful life is achieved through contentment and fulfillment that are complementary feelings generated from within; whereby contentment implies accepting and appreciating the situation one is in, good health, social ties family being paramount and spiritu ality. These three things, from an individual viewpoint, allow us to realize success as a constant achievement. First and foremost, success is dependent on social ties because as human beings social connection is a prime need. Social ties allude to the rapport we have with our kin, friends, neighbors and colleagues. We need to maintain fruitful relationships that satisfy that basic need for connection, where we not only seek to keep ourselves happy but also those that are around us. Family is a key factor because they know us best and have supported us throughout our lives, that is, since childhood till presently. Hence, we ought to learn to be appreciative and tolerate them; moreover, the friends we keep are essential in our success as they either lead us to positive outcomes or negative outcomes. One should encircle themselves with people that inspire, support and complement. When we are vulnerable for example because of illness or frustrations from school, we will need someone to support us. As we go about our everyday life, we must treat people with respect and be humble because we are equal as human beings. Besides that, it is important that we adapt a sense of charity towards the less fortunate. Nothing is more rewarding than giving; it brings a sense of fulfillment which is the essence of success, as it breeds contentment. Spirituality, being the second crucial factor that guarantees success, requires that we develop a sense of mastery of ourselves. This implies discovering ourselves with regard to our weaknesses and strengths. As soon as we accept these, we can better our weaknesses and magnify our strengths. Self-mastery becomes significant because we train ourselves to accept that which we cannot change and improve that which we can, all through guidance. This requires that we adapt a different attitude and behavior towards life to this reality. Nevertheless, we should be careful not to develop a bleak perspective towards life. We must have hope, rem aining optimistic, as this provides us with a renewed strength whenever we feel overwhelmed by life. Of significance as well, is recognizing that when seeking pleasure we must choose pleasures that are deep and lingering. Not forgetting, having a charitable spirit as this provides a deep rewarding feeling. Thirdly, we must ensure that we are healthy in terms of